Mieses Opening

The Mieses Opening is an uncommon opening that starts with 1.d3. It often transitions to hypermodern openings where White allows Black to control the center and aims to strike back with the pawn break.

Mieses Opening

It took its name from a German chess master in the 1900s. Mieses Opening is not considered a good option at the top level nowadays; however, it has been deployed by many of the best in the past for various reasons.

Winning Percentage on both sides

Master Games Statistics

Results Rate
Victory for White 31%
Draw 34%
Victory for Black 35%

Statistics from 38 Million Amateur Games

Results Rate
Victory for White 48%
Draw 3%
Victory for Black 49%

Main Ideas

The main idea of this opening is to get rid of the standard chess theory and create a set-up with White. It is typically valuable for blitz games, where the opposing side needs more time to react correctly. White usually gets an Indian-type (g3-Nf3-Bg2) setup and strikes back with a pawn break. Mieses Opening response contains many opportunities for Black. They usually invade the center of the board and locate their pieces in the ideal squares.

Mieses Opening’s Theory

The 1…d5 lines usually lead to positions where White fianchettos the f1-Bishop to g2, allowing the enemy to control the center and strike back.

The 1…c5 variations are similar to the d5 lines and can transition to each other. White can fix the pawn structure and aim to create a pawn break with a3-b4 moves.

The 1…e6 is a flexible attempt and often transitions to French Defense, where White expands on the Kingside and Black assaults on the Queenside.

1…d5 variation

It begins with 1.d3, and the opponent replies by assaulting the center (1…d5). White usually goes for the Indian type of setup, where they fianchetto the f1-Bishop into g2-square after they play the g3-pawn push. Even though this first move is not common, it can transition to hypermodern openings seen from Black’s point of view.

Mieses Opening - 1...d5 variation

Black typically aims to control the center and suffocate White after they choose 1…d5. If White wants to go for the mentioned Indian type, they usually play g3, Nf3, and Bg2 in different move orders. Black generally chooses to rein in the middle by advancing the c-pawn to c5 and advancing both Knights to c6- and f6-squares. White usually aims to have the ideal pawn breaks with e4- or c4-pawn pushes, similar to Black’s hypermodern set-up. They can also choose a different pawn structure by going ‘e4-c3-a4‘ and placing their Queen at e2 or c2-squares with different ideas.

One sample line could be 1…d5, 2.Nf3 (improving the Knight), 2…Nf6, 3.g3 (creating a fianchetto square for the f1-Bishop and aiming to dominate the ‘a8-h1’ diagonal), 3…c5 (aiming to dislodge White’s pieces from their ideal locations), 4.Bg2 (preparing to castle by putting the Bishop in a strong place), and 4…Nc6 (improving the Knight and increasing the oppression over the center). Then, White can castle (5. O-O) and go for a pawn break (6.e4), and Black can advance the e-pawn further (5…e5).

The e4-push by White is usually the way of equalizing and opening up the long-scoping Bishop in these types of set-ups. Black can capture the e-pawn (6…dxe4), but it would not win any material because after White recaptures back (7.dxe4), several exchanges can occur (7.dxe4, 7…Qxd1, 8.Rxd1). Please note that Black could keep the Queens on the board if they wouldn’t play c5 and weaken the d5-square. After that, 8…Nxe4 would be a common mistake by Black, and 9.Nxe5 (releasing the g2-Bishop’s scope on the undefended e4-Knight and winning back the pawn) would be a good reply by White to take the activity and initiative.

However, the fight could continue more evenly after Black goes for 8…Bg4 and pins the f3-Knight. Usually, White aims to take advantage of the weak squares in the middle, and Black seeks to utilize their expansion.

After 6.e4, Black can also deny capturing the e4-pawn. White usually possesses tactics with Nxe5 and Re1 to expose the enemy King if the rival does not respond well. The casual Idea for Black is often to advance the d-pawn to d4 and control the space by fixing the pawn structure. These games are closed in nature, and White needs to go for an adequate pawn break and locate their pieces on the ideal squares by maneuvering them (a4-Na3-Nc4, for instance).

1…c5 line

It occurs after Black responds with 1…c5. The nature of this variation is quite similar to 1…d5 and can transition to each other if c5- or d5- is played by Black. White has multiple options, and having an Indian-type setup is the most common (by going g3, Bg2, Nf3, and short castle).

Since we already covered the main aspects of that structure, we will see a different one in this chapter.

Mieses Opening - 1…c5 variation

White can have a solid clamp in the center by going e4-c4 in different move orders. This pawn structure would give up the d4-square as a vital outpost for the rival and take the d5-square as an excellent location for one of the Knights. In these positions, the closed nature of the scene requires both sides to create the proper pawn break. One common one without jeopardizing the White King is the b4-pawn break, often prepared by Rb1 and a3.

One sample line could be 1…c5, 2.e4, 2…Nc6 (developing the Knight), 3.c4 (creating a strong foothold in the middle), 3…g6 (aiming to fianchetto the f8-Bishop into g7 and preparing to castle), 4.Nc3 (since the c-pawn is pushed, the b1-Knight can be improved to jump on d5-square if Black ever pushes the e-pawn to e5), 4…Bg7, 5.Nf3 (improving the Knight), 5…Nf6, 6.Be3 (developing the c1-Bishop to e3 and pressuring the c5-pawn), 6…d6 (protecting the assaulted c5-pawn and opening up the scope of the c8-Bishop), 7.Be2 (developing the Bishop and preparing to castle on the short side), 7…O-O, 8.h3 (preventing Ng4 moves and assaults on the strong e3-Bishop), 8…Re8 (improving the Rook), 9. O-O, and 9…b6 (creating a fianchetto square for the c8-Bishop and solidifying the pawn structure).

In the final position, White would aim to strike from the b-file by going Re1, a3, and b4. The c4-Knight can be played to d5 before the b4-pawn push because it would be vulnerable to various tactics due to the g7-Bishop’s scope on the ‘a1-h8’ diagonal. On the other hand, Black could fianchetto the f8-Bishop to b7 and have the d5-pawn break once they prepare it with e6.

The nature of the game on this pawn structure would be positional and require maneuvering pieces and creating weak pawns in the rival’s position to target them later.

1…e6 variation

This variation starts once Black replies with 1…e6. This flexible move usually transitions the game to a French-type structure if White aims to expand in the center with 2.e4. Since we already covered g3-systems and c4-e4 systems, we will focus on the French type in this section.

Mieses Opening - 1…e6 variation

Black typically expands on the Queenside if White chooses 2.e4. To do that, Black generally replies with 2…d5 (assaulting the center).

From that moment on, 3.Nd2 is a common choice to place the b1-Knight in an optimal square and possibly maneuver to the Kingside once the position locks up. Black can capture the e-pawn (3…dxe4), and White can capture it back with the d-pawn (4.dxe4). Due to the symmetrical pawn structure and lack of attacking plans, these positions require positional and strategic understanding.

Black usually acts ambitiously and strikes with 3…c5 (the standard pawn structure the Black side has in the French Defense). White can improve the other Knight to f3 (4.Ngf3) and aim to strike on the Kingside, while Black seeks to expand on the Queenside.

One sample line from here could be 4…Nc6 (advancing the Knight), 5.g3 (creating a fianchetto square for the f1-Bishop), 5…Nf6, 6.Bg2, 6…Be7 (preparing to castle in the short side), 7. O-O, 7…O-O, 8.Re1 (preparing the e5-pawn push and aiming to dislodge the f6-Knight), 8…b6, 9.e5 (attacking the f6-Knight), 9…Nd7 (retreating the Knight to a secure location), and 10.Nf1. White would aim to maneuver the f1-Knight to h2 and g4-squares and expand on the Kingside with h4-h5 pawn pushes. On the other hand, Black would try to expand in Queenside by a5-b5 pawn storms.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
It can transition to many openings, such as King’s Indian Attack or French Defense. It is objectively a passive opening.
Players with hypermodern opening knowledge can deploy this opening. Black equalizes almost immediately.
White can create a solid pawn structure. Black can grab the extra space.
The White side can surprise and beat their opponent if they are unfamiliar with Mieses Opening counter. Black has a variety of Mieses Opening defenses.

Mieses Opening’s Trap

This trap takes place after Black responds with 1…f5, and White strikes the center with 2.e4. Black captures the e-pawn with 2…fxe4, and White recaptures it back with 3.dxe4. Then, Black develops the Knight (3…Nf6), and White improves the f1-Bishop to c4 (4.Bc4). Here, White aims for an e5-pawn push, and Black cannot prevent it with 4…d6 because 5.e5 would set up a big trap. If Black captures the e5-pawn (5…dxe5), White has a deflection tactic with 6.Bf7+, and 7.Qxd8 would pick up the Queen in the next turn.


The Mieses Opening is an unpopular option and one of the least preferred first moves. The idea of this opening is typically to have a set-up and ignore the long and heavy chess theory many other openings bring. Black has many systems as a defense against Mieses Opening and can equalize quickly. It can be deployed by players who are familiar with hypermodern openings.

Written by
Emre Sancakli, Сhess Coach
has a rating of 2400+ on chess.com and lichess.org, making him one of the top 5000 players in the world. He teaches many chess enthusiasts and even creates educational courses. As a writer, he keeps bringing his 'A game' to the content you will face on this website.
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